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LCR Prayer Series

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Prayer Week 1:Relationship
Romans 15:29-33, Psalm 4, John 14:5-14
Prayer is our relationship with God. It should include listening, dialogue, and focus like our other relationships.

Describe your prayers. When, where, how often, how long? What are some things you do in your most meaningful relationships that you don't do during prayer?



I was thinking about the sermon today that Pr. Ralph gave. One of the things he mentioned is that prayer with God builds trust and that it is a matter of living and being together. I am not perfect in my prayer life. I do feel like I spend a lot of time in prayer with God though. Earlier this week, I was talking to Rox and Carolyn about something I was praying over and I realized that listening better and waiting on God is what I need to do more of in my prayer life. It just seems that sometimes I think I am listening because the doors I've been praying for open up and I try to walk through only to fall down as if my shoe laces were tied together. Then I go back and try to listen deeper still.

After church today, one of the topics of discussion with some church members was this notion to ask questions of ourselves about our prayers like What is my agenda in this prayer? This is a great question! Most of my prayers, I think just as God to come be with me. Let me lay with my head rested on your lap. But other times, I am guilty of a laundry list of items that I would like God to fix or be present in and I need to be a bit more purposeful and aware of the way I am treating God during our focused time together. It seems to me that I ask so much! How can I make my prayer relationship with God not so one-sided? Because in relationships we give of ourselves without any reward other than knowing the other person is happy. Is there a way to have this type of relationship with God? To give without end just because I love God? I thought I did this but upon further thought.... sometimes I have an agenda.



I am wondering if anyone has a specific "recipe" for prayer? I know that in my Fourth Day Group meeting on Sunday, we discussed what a good "recipe" would be. Roxanne brought up a five finger to teach children how to pray. I looked it up on Google to find one that fit her description.

About two years ago, I read a book called the Circle Maker by Mark Batterson and began using a "pray through, praise through" recipe to pray. Amazing book and thoughts on prayer!

So, post your recipe!! What ingredients do you use when you pray?


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